
917 Mapletown Rd, Mapletown, PA 15338

Active #1662643
MapletownSotheastern Green School DistrictGreene County
Single Family3 Beds1 Baths3.02 Acres
Lovely wide open country spaces invite you home to this 3 bedroom tucked on 3+ acres! Enhanced with classic farmhouse style, this place has big rooms, high ceilings, arched doorways as well as a charming kitchen and 3 deco fireplaces that add a touch of vintage charm! Covered deck to relax and enjoy the beautiful yard, detached garage and storage outbuilding, too Some upgrades have been completed with rich wood floors, fresh paint and updated bath! Just minutes to Mon View Park with river access and an easy commute to Morgantown and Waynesburg!
Listed ByKeith Myers
General Information
Lot Size 3.02
Taxes $1,171
Exterior Features
Parking LookupError:DETGRG,OFFST, 4
Roof Asphalt
Style 2 Story or 2 Level
Interior Features
Basement Walk Up
Fireplaces 3
Floors Hard Wood, Laminate
Room Count 5
Heating Gas
Sewage Public
Water Public


Upper Level

  • Bedroom

  • Bedroom

Main Level

  • Living Room

  • Kitchen

  • Master Bed

Room sizes and locations are based on available info. Bathrooms and additional rooms may not be shown. Contact us for more detail.


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Mortgage Estimator

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% down
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Total Monthly Cost

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This is an estimate which can be affected by your lender's rates, PMI requirements and other factors. For the most accurate information, contact a mortgage representative.

Information Herein is Deemed Reliable but Not Guaranteed

Make This Your Home!
Listed ByKeith Myers

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